Notes for the guidance of referees

These notes are for guidance and should be used in conjunction with the League Rules. We accept that most Referees acquaint themselves with the Rules of the Competition in which they officiate but rule changes and newly registered Referees often appreciate guidance, so please check the rules contained in the Handbook. For clarification on any items please contact the Referees Secretary who will be happy to assist.

Please be aware of the following:

• Advise Referees Secretary, as soon as possible, of ‘open dates’ for the League or non availability through refereeing or other commitments, even after being appointed.

• Acknowledge all appointments by return.

• Remember if you do not arrive at the ground 15 minutes before kick-off the Clubs must agree a suitable substitute referees. If you have to ‘cry-off’ at late notice please notify the Home Club in addition to the Referees Secretary.

• Remember Clubs must have their ground and accommodation open and ready for inspection at least 30 minutes prior to kick-off in order for any faults to be rectified eg lines, nets etc before the commencement of the game.

• Rule 10 (B) the proviso for 80 minutes to be played (equal halves) under certain conditions.

• Cup Rules 4 (a & b) the proviso for extra time of 30 or 20 minutes, at the discretion of the referee, and the taking of kicks from the penalty mark, if so required.

• 40p per mile for travelling expenses payable for inspecting Grounds at a Club or League Management request in order to determine fitness for play. A fee of £26 for a Referee and £19 for an Assistant Referee to be paid if a fixture is not played because of circumstances over which Clubs have no control.

• Contraventions of rules to be reported to the Referees Secretary on the Referees Match report card available through the League website.

Referees where appointed £40 inclusive of travelling expenses.
Assistant Referees where appointed £30 inclusive of travelling expenses.


Club Assistant Referee of the year

An award is made annually to the Club Linesman who obtains the highest average mark in North Berks league matches.  The officiating Referee shall assess their performance and pass it to the Hon Referees Secretary, who will collate the marks to determine the eventual winner.  All Referees in all games should submit marks on their Match Report Cards.

The North Berks Football League Council fully supports the worthwhile scheme that encourages regular participation of Club Linesmen and undoubtedly increases the competency of individuals for the benefit of North Berks football in general.

Where Assistant Referees are not appointed each team shall provide a Club Assistant Referee
(substitute players not permitted to act as assistant referees in Division One & Two fixtures) or be
liable to a fine not exceeding £20 being imposed on the defaulting Team.

North Berks Referees Association
Secretary: Telephone email
Alec Higgins 01235 815854 (Home)
079463 51719 (Mobile)


The NBFL Management Committee recommends that all of our registered referees join their local branch of The Referess Association. Meetings are normally held monthly during the Season.

FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION RESPECT PROGRAMME The North Berks Football League Management Committee fully support The Football Association Respect Programme and recommends that the ‘Respect Handshake’ procedure takes place before every fixture.